Frontend developer with a passion for creating intuitive and efficient web solutions. Focuses on React, TypeScript, and modern web technologies.
Experienced with React, TypeScript, HTML/CSS, and JavaScript. Interested in UI/UX design, accessibility, UI animation, and design systems.
Working on Schedules, a project aimed at creating helpful scheduling tools. Collaborating with colleagues on web applications to improve user experiences.
Familiar with Git, Jest, and Webpack. Interested in performance optimization, effective use of DevTools, and improving Web Vitals for better user experiences.
Self-taught developer committed to ongoing education. Regularly expanding skills through online courses, coding challenges, and hands-on projects.
Learning about on-page and technical SEO, with some experience using SEO tools and conducting keyword research to improve website visibility.
When not coding, enjoys nature walks, spending time with his cat Cyrus, exploring Three.js, learning about Japanese culture, considering YouTube content ideas, and playing acoustic guitar.
Aiming to contribute positively to frontend development through continuous learning and collaboration with the tech community.
Offering web development services to help improve online presence. Focusing on creating responsive and user-friendly websites tailored to client needs.